Welcome to the new Scottish STEM Ambassador Hub!
As of the 1 April 2021 the three STEM Ambassador Hubs in Scotland joined forces to become one Scottish Hub. The new unified Hub is managed by SSERC who are based in Dunfermline and combines the excellent work already undertaken by Aberdeen Science Centre, Science Connects, and SAE@SSERC.
The new team supporting the Hub are:
Programme Manager (West): Ewa Monteith-Hodge
Programme Manager (North): Debbie Mathers
Programme Manager (East): Kerri Haynes
National Partnership Manager: Aileen Hamilton
Administrator: Kimberly Dalton
You can learn more about the team in our About section.
We have lots of exciting plans, events and training coming up so make sure you follow us on Twitter (@ScotSTEMAmb), LinkedIn and Facebook (STEM Ambassadors in Scotland).
Check out our events page for details of upcoming opportunities for STEM Ambassadors, teachers, community leaders and employers.