We have a host of activities and opportunities available for STEM Ambassadors to celebrate Space Week and get involved with educators and learners! This blog will highlight the amazing Space Week resources we have available for STEM Ambassadors and educators to borrow to help support activities.
We have a full array of resources that you can find by clicking here, but below I have highlighted just a few of the great resources we have available!
Mission to the Moon (Ages 5-11)
This collection of practical activities, investigations and games is all based on current lunar research. It supports many aspects of working scientifically and links to area of the curriculum including: earth and space, light and shadows, forces, materials, changes of state and rocks and soils.

ExoMars Collection (Ages 4-19)
This collection of resources support learning about STEM subjects using the context of exploring Mars. Using the context of the ExoMars mission, activities link to areas of the curriculum including: science, D&T and computing. There are activities focused on children of different ages, ranging from 5-18 years of age.

Space Debris (Ages 7-11)
These inspirational resources introduce primary pupils to the concept of space debris and help raise their awareness of how important it is to clean up space.

Quadcopter Design Challenge (Ages 14+)
Learn how to design, create and modify a quadcopter to fly on Mars. Online resource.

STEM Ambassadors, don’t forget to share any Space Week activities you’ve been involved with on the community forum!