Last week was Maths Week Scotland and what a week it was for our ambassadors, after months of plotting, adding events to the website, calculating how many ambassadors we would need rounding them up and getting them primed we knew we were in good shape!
Our ambassadors went above and beyond, in classrooms, community settings and online to bring maths to life for our young learners, ease their anxiety around maths and highlight the creativity that can come from maths to link to this years theme "The Beauty of Maths"
We don't have space to mention everyone but here are just a few of the highlight, and of course the numbers!

Throughout the week ambassadors ran online talks showcasing why maths are important in their industries, hundreds of classes attended live and took part in Q&A sessions with many more registered to view recordings after the events.
With talks ranging from Match Statistics in Rugby to the accounting skills and data sharing required in building planning there was something for everyone.
This years theme was The Beauty of Maths and we did wonder if asking for links to music and art in our talks might be a little tricky but our ambassadors rose to the challenge with themes such as Symmetry in Nature, Beethoven's Metronome, 3D Visualisation and STEMazing
Structures our audiences were delighted with the talks and hands on activities they were able to get involved with.

It wasn't just online talks that were happening, our ambassadors were out and about in classroom across Scotland doing what they do best, we were delighted to see nearly all our requests from schools for ambassador help during Maths week Scotland filled. We had one ambassadors running Fun Maths Roadshow events for a full 3 days in Glasgow, and many more careers talks and hands on help happening across the country.
Not only that we had ambassadors producing blogs, maths challenges, and attending maths resource training. Here at the hub we were lucky enough to be able to produce some more Maths Resources with the help of the University of Edinburgh's School of Mathematics.
Ambassadors wishing to learn how to use the resources can join us at a training session in Edinburgh on the 17th November - sign up here
So now it's all over for another year all that's left to be said is a great big THANK YOU to all our ambassadors who were part of this week and of course to add up all the figures to see just how impressive you were, here are just some of the numbers we have so far, remember to add all your activities to the database or they wont count!
