STEM Ambassadors are ready to help you with your Maths Week Scotland plans! Maths Week Scotland (MWS) 2024 runs from 23rd to 29th September with the theme of Maths Tales, aiming to link storytelling and maths together. This could be through discovering the maths in books and novels, sharing careers stories and thinking about Maths through the ages.
STEM Ambassadors in Scotland have pulled together a number of events that you can include in your MWS 2024 plans, you can find out all about them below.
Bring your class along to one of our virtual storytelling sessions, linking STEM Careers, Maths, and this years theme, Maths Tales:
The Maths of Alice and Wonderland, 11am on 23rd September on Teams Live, for P4-P7: https://www.stemambassadors.scot/event-details/the-maths-of-alice-in-wonderland
How Many Legs? Stories and Maths, 11am on 24th September on Teams Live, for P1-P3: https://www.stemambassadors.scot/event-details/how-many-legs-stories-maths-with-a-stem-ambassador
Officer Buckle and Gloria: Stories and Maths, 11am on 25th September on Teams Live, for P4-P7: https://www.stemambassadors.scot/event-details/officer-buckle-and-gloria-safety-concepts-and-maths-with-a-stem-ambassador
Infinity and Me: Stories & Maths, 11 am on 26th September on Teams Live, for P4-P7: Infinity and Me: Stories & Maths with a STEM Ambassador | SAIS (stemambassadors.scot)
Fashion and Maths, 11am on 27th September on Teams Live, for P4-P7: https://www.stemambassadors.scot/event-details/fashion-and-maths-with-a-stem-ambassador
Browse some fantastic offers from STEM Ambassadors who will tell their careers journey story with the option of organising online and in-person sessions:
Find out more about Daphné and her career journey that has taken her all around the world covering Earth, planetary science and fluid mechanics: https://www.stem.org.uk/platform/offer/078ca486-b7b0-47d4-9014-3cdc7671bf9b
Find out mor about Ojotule and his journey with Maths through engineering and sustainability: https://www.stem.org.uk/platform/offer/8794b70e-b48a-4820-844b-eb4825550684
And check out these other fantastic Maths offers from STEM Ambassadors:
Reach out to Dean to hear more about his career journey: https://www.stem.org.uk/platform/offer/64ac5781-d1ec-4518-bd63-7defa3cfb5b4
Reach out to Mathew to organise one-to-one maths mentoring for your students: https://www.stem.org.uk/platform/offer/eb6604c7-bb06-4fc2-800a-889b2c8d8c28
Reach out to Christopher to find out more about how he could support your Maths Club: https://www.stem.org.uk/platform/offer/6b9fc35b-e4f7-4f9d-bb25-4edc20fefa3c
Add a Maths request to the digital platform - Maths Week Scotland activities don't have to take place during the week, they can happen anytime during the year. Log into your profile or register for an account at www.stem.org.uk, and visit this page: https://www.stem.org.uk/stem-ambassadors/request-stem-ambassador