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Earth Day 2022 - Stop Dropping Litter

Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

This year Earth Day is specifically focusing on cleaning up litter with The Great Global Cleanup® . This is a worldwide campaign to remove billions of pieces of trash from neighborhoods, beaches, rivers, lakes, trails, and parks — reducing waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats, and preventing harm to wildlife and humans.

Here at STEM Ambassadors in Scotland we have being working with some amazing partners to inspire and educate local primary school children to get involved.

Stop Dropping Litter

Earlier this year we ran book reading events for over 500 primary schools across the UK with The3Engineers reading the first in their series of children's books aimed to raise environmental awareness - Stop Dropping Litter and the response we got was phenomenal, one of many similar comments we received from a Primary 4 class was, "thank you, heading outside to do some litter picking now."

Working Together

To celebrate Earth Day this year we have worked with a great team of partners to build on this success and encourage even more learners to discover what they can do to help clean up the planet.

Babcock International kindly donated 658 copies of Stop Dropping Litter to be distributed to schools local to our hub across Edinburgh and Fife. The team at STEM Ambassadors in Scotland did an amazing job, packing and delivering these books along with some amazing curriculum linked resources from SSERC Primary and The Marine Conservation Society. These resources aim to help transform this story into a series of practical activities our young learners can take part in to learn about the impact and changes they can make to protect our environment.

We will be working with our amazing ambassadors and these organisations to run another book reading as well as an information session about Clean Seas for the schools to make sure they get the most from this wonderful donation.

A huge than you to everyone involved.

To find more resources linked to children's books - visit SSERC Primary - STEM by the Book

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The UK-wide STEM Ambassador programme is managed by STEM Learning Limited, which operates the National STEM Learning Network, alongside other projects supporting STEM education. To find out more please go to the STEM Learning website

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